It touches each of us, sooner or later. A friend, a brother, a co-worker, or perhaps, you. If you haven’t been affected by divorce, you probably will be-it’s one of the signatures of our society. In today’s culture, divorce lurks and leers like a predator surveying his prey. What does God say about divorce? 

              It will interest you to know that marriage is a design by God from time immemorial as to making a man to leave his family and that the man should cleave to someone his heart desires and in doing this man tends to be a responsible being. Based on this fact, home is ready for management thereby decision making process must begin. The incidence of two different people to search for eternity in their own world cannot be outrun without having been itched…. It is going to be of essence to learn, study and discover the hidden truth about DIVORCE as written by MAX LUCADO in his book ………. THE DARK COUNTRY OF DIVORCE 

I want to you to read this book from chapter to chapter as it explains what a home need to trudge on…. You home can survive…. Oh Yes! I believe why not go from the first chapter as it explains in this language… “TYING A KNOT AND HANGING ON” to ”THE DARK COUNTRY OF DIVORCE” to “BROKEN HEART MENDED FAITH” and on…… THE STUDY GUIDE 

Tying a Knot and Hanging On

1. What does Max mean when he says: “Leaving was never an option”? 2. “A wedding is an event, but marriage is an achievement.” Has your marriage been an achievement? Why? Why not? Think of a couple whose marriage would be considered an achievement. What are some characteristics that stand out? 3. Why is the covenant of marriage so important to God? 4. When the Pharisees questioned Jesus about divorce, what was his response (Mt. 19:13-15)? 

Chapter 2
The Dark Country of Divorce 

1. What are some causes of divorce “explosion” in America? 2. For what reasons does God permit divorce? 3. Malachi 2:16 says God hates divorce. What significance does that have for divorced people? Hoe does He feel about them? 

Chapter 3
Broken Heart, Mended Faith 

1. Think of some broken hearts you have known. Have they moved toward healing? 2. Has your heart been broken? Has it caused you to separate yourself from God? If so, what brought you back into a relationship with Him? 3. Read Isaiah 53:3. Who is the one referred to here? Can you relate to his broken heart? Even where there is tickle, there is bound to be expression of maturity from duo of husband and wife. The definition of husband has the implication of naming the man as the head of the family, whence this occur, the man is expected to explore greatest degree of tolerant and care…..Misunderstanding and distrust set in suffering the home to be a figment of the imagination and not what has ordained it to be….. 

The way out of this ungodly experience is to focus on God, telling him to give us the tolerance and knowledge to manage our homes….

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