There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One of these days is “Yesterday” with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word said. Yesterday is gone. The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow's sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds - but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is yet unborn. This leaves only one day “Today” . Any man can fight the battles of just one day; it is only when you or I add the burdens of those two awful eternities “Yesterday and Tomorrow” that we break down. It is not the experience of Today that drives men mad, it is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.
History has demonstrated that our yesterday is the foundation of our today which has great influence on our tomorrow. The past, the present and the future has been a thing of essence in the society and the world over . There are three stages of man existence and they are;
• The past
• The present and;
• The future
These three stages are synonymous with our yesterday, today and tomorrow. The existence and evolution of man begins with the relationship of human being with one another. Man live by influence and imitation but the most important thing is that, influence and imitation should have a positive effect on each and everyone of us as a whole. The planet earth consists of different people from different races and continent, whom have greatly influence their generations in the past to the present. Eminent men like, Martin Luther king Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, e.t.c

The past will always remain a time of ignorance for the people who develop and adduce importance or value to themselves. It is the story of the advent and activities of man which upon record, is regarded as a platform to be modified and developed in shaping the present for a better future. It is a matter of fact that, it is our yesterday that introduces us to today; then, it has impact which is worthy of note.  The present situation now is that we mourn the loss of yesterday due to the fact that our yesterday is far and much better than today. This is the greatest tragedy that can ever happen to any set of people, society, community, nation and the continent. It is ironical that our environment in the past decades is conducive and convenient which is evident in our legal environment, social environment, political environment, economic environment, academic environment e.t.c.
Patriotism is at the highest level because it is giving one’s utmost best to one’s country, even if the result would speak after one’s lifetime. American’s began to give their all, when America was dusty farmland. They laid down their lives when America gave no reward but labour all because they understood being patriotic .
The predilection to do good or evil in man brings us to the issue of the law of religion which intends to rule man and the law of environment to direct and control man’s action as well in the past decades. We have simply forgotten the truth of the matter then, an average man has the reason of an innocent child-like trust which tends to monitor his feelings towards a better way of life. Then arises the question:
What is importance of history ?  We can not say that the past is no longer useful. The past can be a medicine bottle to arrange for the present stage. We are reforming and reshaping our lives which has been invested in the past to be spent today so that tomorrow can be insured. Let us look at “the present” as it relates with “the past”. The past is an asset for moulding the present.

The present is our today which emanates as a result of the implication of the past. Today is a gift, is in our custody, we can influence today so that an impact can be made. If there is an opportunity that worth value; is today. Today is the situation that exists in the world rather than the past or the future. Unlike the past that exist with the little or no form of corruption, social ills in the society, drug abuse, HIV/AIDS scourge and the likes. There are so many things that were innovated in the primitive age which have been modernized now. One of the most important situations in the primitive age is habitation or shelter. In the past, human being use to live in spacious avenue under mountains and rocks but today, you easily see sky scrappers. Another thing is the issue of clothing. By religious history, we got to know that the first man and woman on earth (Adam & Eve) cover their nakedness with fig leaves and later get “apron of skin ” but civilization brought us into clothing materials. History told us that in the primitive age, most especially in my country Nigeria, the medium of exchange of goods for goods is cowries which are deposited in a dug hole but the trend has changed presently. You can easily walk in into any bank, open an account there and deposit your money for safe keeping.
It is pertinent to note at this junction that negative feelings and thought is the order of the day nowadays as a result of interplay of civilization and nature. In Nigeria, during the primitive period, traders do not need be available where they display or place their goods. What they use to do is that, they will make a sign that denotes the prices of their goods of which a willing buyer will drop his or her money where the goods are displayed or placed. Even a passer-by will not touch the money but in the present time, if you are well secured with iron gates, thieves can still have there way through. The whole system is corrupted due to moral decadence in the society .
In the constitution of Nations, new clauses are being inserted so as to modify the political terrain of those Nations. There is promulgation of new Laws to curb corruption not because it is envisaged but it is a common phenomenon. Here is a story of Nations around the world wanting to make reforms in their economy, education, and all other sector without reforming man whom all these reforms are meant for. It is tantamount to washing a white cloth and preparing to put it on a dirty man. The best thing to do in a situation like this is changing the orientation of man. There is advent of genocide where people continue to kill certain set or group of people, or races in other to wipe their generation out. A case study is Rwanda in 1994 where about 500,000 Tutsis were massacre by the Hutus. This in turn led to retaliation by the Tutsis and the killing of thousands of Hutus. Up to one-fourth of the population of Rwanda, mostly Hutus fled the country in fear of further reprisal attack . The issue of social unrest and the likes has claimed many lives in our world today. The war in Darfur in the republic of Sudan is still on. Civil war erupted in Darfur, a region in western Sudan, in 2003. Since then more than 2 million people have fled their homes to seek shelter in refugee camps like the one at Zamzam in northern Darfur. The war has claimed more than a million lives .

Tomorrow is misery which is beyond human understanding. Eventhough it is beyond human comprehension today will still determine tomorrow. Tomorrow as never witness any action and function so no auction can be assumed. The solution to our problem today is mandatory because our tomorrow lies in our today. There is a dare need for global rest, equity in the delivery of justice, corruption to stop, abundant food for all, disaster to stop, war to stop, prosperity for all, suicide bombing to be brought to a halt.

The way out of all these and many other unmentioned problems is to have a rethink, re-orientation, learn from the past, work on how to adjust the present and make strategy as to future logistic plans that will enhance an ideal world of great social, religious, economic, legal, academic and political integration. If man is enlightened and properly trained, man can wash is own cloth and always appear neat. Man is the one that must change in every sphere of his life before he can fit in to any CHANGE taken place around him. Change in attitude, beliefs, perception, and we (man) should see each other as one . Love should be the driving force because if you love your fellow men, money meant for the whole nation will not have any effect on you that you will just embezzle it. The change must come from here, there, everywhere. You and I must initiate it from our enclave and then revolutionized the whole world with our behaviour. Fortunately, there is always a way out of every problem and circumstances if only we are ready to find the route out of our problems.
THE PAST, THE PRESENT and THE PRESENT, ponder on this and discover the way out from your own perspective, national heritage and preservation so that collectively we can cause the expected changes we want in our world .
It should be noted all over the world that “IT IS ACTUALLY TIME TO PROVOKE CHANGE”.

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